
Brad & Kristy
Small Aussie Adventures

A little about us

Our dream is to Travel full-time while home-schooling Maddie. The thought of being stuck in a 9-5 until being 70+ years old is not for us.

We’ve been through so much together as a couple (losing all our belongings in floods, redundancies, infertility etc) and it’s easy to get caught up in a negative mindset because of these things. We are working hard to surround our daughter and ourselves with positivity.

We want to help and inspire others to take control of their own future. Get out of those comfort zones and live life to the fullest.


We are: Brad & Kristy, Maddie & Lexi – Small Aussie Adventures.

We Love Exploring our beautiful country while we camp, 4wdrive, hike, try to fish and just be outdoors.

You also may not know; but in addition to our passions for travel & adventure and operating Small Aussie Adventures from anywhere, we also run/operate Panther Logistics Services.

Leveraging Brad's career of over the last 21 years within the Oil and Gas & Supply Chain sectors has had him develop Supply Chain skills and experience across the Upstream Oil and Gas sector. For the past 12 years, he has been working in Management and leadership roles within companies seeing major growth in their sectors. He has applied his knowledge and skills to develop, implement & lead Supply Chain functions within these organisations.

Brad loves the fact he can provide consulting services and share his experience in Supply Chain remotely while on the road also. Click the Panther Logistics button below to find out more:

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life”
We hope you enjoy following our page.
The Smalls xo

What we are about

We are creating an online business. We are setting goals that we use to think were impossible. We are working from anywhere we want because this is what is possible with the lifestyle we are building.

It’s never really been an option before now and we didn’t want to always be stuck in that 2-week cycle (or month cycle for us) living paycheck to paycheck.

It’s not easy. It takes hard work, but if you only do what is easy now, life will only be harder in the future. 

We’ve been through so much together as a couple and it’s easy to get caught up in a negative mindset because of these things. We are working hard to surround our daughter and ourselves with positivity.

We also want to help others take control of their own future. We are here to mentor and inspire others. Those who are willing to put in the hard work now to create their own journey, letting them do what they love whenever & wherever they desire.

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life”

We hope you enjoy following our page. Please feel free to reach out if you are ready to make a change!


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